
quick hello from karori,

I doing quite well. really tired, but well. here's a quick run-down of my life right now.

- work. it feels like i live there. this week, i am working 70 hours. i am contracted to work 70 hours a fortnight, so basically, the money is nice. even though i have to work a butt load to get it.

- i have a place to live! i live in a house, where i rent a room from this lady. i thought she was 32, but turns out shes 40. we are trying to find another roommate, so if you want to move to Wellington, i have a place for you.

kiwi address:

20 Ranelagh Street
Wellington 6012
New Zealand

- my mom is going to come visit! some amazing people left some money anonomously on her desk at work and it should cover the cost of airfare. this was such a special gift. i am not a big crier, but i might have shed a few out of gratefulness and joy. i hope the people that contributed to my mom will know how wonderful they are and how blessed and loved they made me and my mom feel. without their generosity, it would have been almost impossible for her to come visit. i am now planning what to do while she is here. i am basically really really excited (my dad was just happy there was only enough for her, and that he didnt have to take an 18 hour plane trip. he loves me a lot.)

- i made a friend! thats right, i am not a complete loser anymore. one night i was a bit lonely (a bit is an understatment), and prayed for God to send me a friend, any friend. and he did. the next day at work, one of my co-workers, Jamie invited me to hangout with him for the afternoon. and it was really chill and fun. just drank some tea and talked. it was really nice and needed. and he is my age. everyone else i have meet is younger so it is nice to find someone i have more in common with.

- more about work. i really really like. the service users are awesome. i am going with one of them, Reuben, to his school ball on Friday! Yes, he is still in school (21), and yes I am excited. man oh man, i could go on and on about work. the things that happen are insane. and the people i work WITH are crazy. there are two guys my age, Michael and Jamie, who are normal and fun to work with. everyone else are mainly middle-aged women who bitch (sorry mom) about everything. mostly about the other middle-aged women, our bosses and crap that happens around the house. and Jamie and I just laugh at everything. because theres no point at getting mad. i will have to devote a post to just work sometime soon. its crazy. tonight and tomorrow night i am doing wake-overs. which means i stay awake from 10-9 the next morning to make sure Reuben doesnt hurt himself (he is a self-harmer). he is usually pretty good at nights, so it should be cake.

-church. its good. i am connecting with people more and more. i am going to go hangout with some of them for an hour before i head to work.

alright, thats it for now. i am tired.

