
70 days is not that long

seventy days, and i will be here. finally.

holy crap.

a little more than two months, and i am adios-ing this locale, and i am trading it in for a warmer climate. i need to save about $14 a day to raise the adequate funds for my southern hemisphere shenanigans.

some things i have decided:

1. i am not taking a laptop with me. i dont want to deal with it when roaming from place to place.

2. pregnancy is not as romantic as i once thought (not, i am not with child). keep truckin' , nicole.

3. i think nicole is the only one who reads this. thanks.

4. alison hagen is wonderful. she is this lady who i am staying with right when i get into new zealand, and she is trying dig me up some contacts in the film industry there. that has potential to be awesome.

5. i love pirate jokes. i spent most of my day at work creating them with my fellow employee, lisa. she made up a ton. my head manager even created two. here is one:
q: what's the pirate's favorite part of a tree?
a: the b-aaarrggghhh-k. pirate -->

6. can never work in retail again.

7. if i had all the $$ i needed for nz, i would move my ticket and leave on monday. seriously.

8. i love jemaine's lips. and i like bret a lot, too.

thats all. not much more to update.
