
couchsurfing is brilliant

couchsurfing.com is the best.

if you are not a member and love to travel, neh . . . if you would die without seeking new adventures in distant lands, you HAVE to join this community.

because of couchsurfing.com, i currently have a place to stay in auckland the day i get there. AND, an airport pick up. how awesome is that? i am connecting with people who are almost as obsessed with new z as i am, and feeling more and more eager to travel to my island.

join join join.

off my soapbox now:

i am still needing to save about $2000. i want a cushion and that amount should provide it. i also need $$ for and eye appointment and health insurance (i need the h.i. in order to enter the country with the visa i have). yay univeral healthcare! oh, wait a minute . . .

not scared about the whole $$ situation. god will provide. i just gotta have faith, faith, faith. thank you george michael (after being a christian for a million years, it took a lyric from an 80's classic to teach me about trust and faith. and, i am being completely serious. ask me about it someday, and i will tell you the story. it involves a rusty car, the blinding sun, a hilly road, an out-dated radio, and a gay pop icon).

also, in related news, my dear friend anna neale, a.k.a. turkey-butt, might be visiting me in nz for christmas. that would be amazing. AND amy grieve, a.k.a. tuls, might also visit in february. hey, its the thing to do. julie in new zealand is a pretty big deal. i guess they have to see it to believe it. consider this a formal invitation to come visit the islands (its only a few grand to fly there).

until next time.